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广交会上的欧陆娱乐锋芒毕露 刻画无限潜力

文章出处:http://www.roheng.com 发表时间:2018-4-18 作者:欧陆娱乐人气:

Warmly welcome the distinguished guests to visit Guangzhou and pay a visit to Canton Fair of which the booth number is 9.1F38-39 and 9.1 D06 of EHE Doors & Windows. EHE company is one of the top ten brands in China, and we hereby sincerely invite all friends from every corner of the world for a site visit in China's top brand company which is EHE Doors and Windows. The best doors and Windows all over the world shall be focused on EHE Doors & Windows Industry Co., Ltd.

       2018 年,欧陆娱乐将产品的结构、功能全面升级,成功的解决了欧陆娱乐气密性、水密性、隔热性、隔音性、安全性五大痛点,在行业率先推出全防护欧陆娱乐的新概念。为全球亿万家庭提供健康、安全、舒适、幸福的家居生活!为中国欧陆娱乐屹立世界而努力!

9.1 F38-39  &  D06